Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Update April 2011

I just thought I would send out an update, it has been a while. What is going on in the Hansen house?

Tyler is now 4 years old. He had his birthday at the park and loved it. It was a great time for all. Tyler has glasses now and he is doing great with them. About a month ago his eye doctor decided to patch his left eye to make the weaker eye (his right eye) work harder so it could improve. This past Thursday, Tyler went to the eye doctor for a follow up and she said that his eye is doing MUCH better. He now only has to wear the patch three hours a day for about three months and we should be done with the patch. The great news is his eyes are getting better each day. Today he went for his 4 year well appointment. Here are his stats: He is 36.8lbs and 42 inches tall. He is a tall and skinny dude for sure. Tyler is still really into Hot Wheels and Monster Trucks and Superhero’s. He is growing so fast and talks a lot. I love his imagination and the story he comes up with. He also dabbles in writing songs, well Tyler songs, trust me they are interesting. At school he is doing great and loves hanging out with his friends and learning new stuff.

Parker is now 18 months almost 19 months. It just amazes me how quick time flies. I know everyone says this but seriously, I can remember when he could barely sit up and now he is constantly on the go. He loves to kick balls, and he is good at it, I am thinking a future soccer player for sure. He is not really talking yet, he jabs a lot but not too many words. I know the words are around the corner. He loves to make up his own songs and sing them around the house. Here are Parker’s stats: 27 lbs and 12 ounces that puts him in the 80 percentile; he is 35 inches tall, that puts him in the 97 percentile for length. So yeah he is just a stalky dude. Parker loves to play outside if we would let him be outside the entire time he was awake I know he would be all for that. He is learning to play with his toys more, but still loves to play with his Big Brother.

The boys get along “most” of the time. I have learned that they just like to pick on each other even at this age. So the next 10-15 years are going to interesting. I will say having boys, well there is never a dull moment. We love them so much!

As for Joshua and I. Well I was laid off from my job April 1st (April Fools) (and it was not a joke, I even asked them!) and the cool part, the same day Joshua got a raise. Within two hours we went from the low of me losing my job to the high of Joshua getting a raise. So I am currently unemployed but looking for a full time job, there have been bites, but nothing has turned out YET! I know that God will provide in HIS time. Meanwhile I am applying for jobs that I think will be interesting, and learning to take time for myself. I started training again for a 5K so I take a run MWF, and I am really focusing on doing things I want to do and feel that I need to do, like music and focusing on my passions. I am still making pies. I just made my 13th pie yesterday, and I still love making the pies that is for sure. Joshua is working as hard as ever and doing great at his job. When he has time he takes a run with me, which is always nice. In his “spare” time he serves at the church coordinating the media and sound, he seems to really enjoy that. The boys and him have a great time. The boys sure love their Daddy that is for sure. He is such a supportive husband and I thank God each day for placing him in my life.

I think you are caught up now. I hope you are doing well.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hansen update 2011 so far-- glasses, blisters, support and pies

I hpe this finds you well and that 2011 is treating you well..So it has been a while since I have sent out an update on the Hansen’s.
Well it has been an interesting few weeks at the Hansen house.

I am not sure when I sent the last update, so I will start around Christmas. We went to my parents house in Lampasses and we had a great time with them, my sister and brother in law and my Granny... Nice to have some family time... My parents watched the boys the week before New Years so Joshua and I enjoyed some J and K time that was nice and refreshing... Our New Year day was spent picking up our boys and coming back home to get everything settled.

That should kind of catch us up for now...
Tyler is doing great in preschool and loving it. He is still all about his Hot Wheels and Monster Trucks. The comments he comes up with are just too funny, I will say he is one witty kid. A few weeks ago we noticed that while he was watching TV his right eye would cross. This really did concern Joshua and I so we took him to the Pediatrician who then referred us to an Pediatric Ophthalmology. (side note Tyler now weighs 35 lbs)

We had the appointment with the Pediatric Ophthalmology yesterday. Tyler has Hyperopia (far-sighted) w/ Accommodative Esotropia (Accommodative esotropia is an inward deviation related to very high amount of hyperopia or farsightedness). So she is having him wear glasses, (we ordered them last night and should be in soon, pictures coming soon). The doctor wants him to wear the glasses for three months in hopes to straighten the eye out, and we will need to go for a follow up after three months. She said more than likely he will be wearing glasses from here on out, the question is if the glasses will correct this or if further steps need to be taken. Please keep Tyler in your toughts and prayers.

Parker went for his 15 month well check up a few weeks ago and he weighs 25 lbs and is about 33 inches tall! He had a great check up everything right on track. We are trying to get him to actually talk rather than grunt for everything. Wonder where he gets that from? Last week he came down with Herpangina. What is that? Well, “Herpangina is an acute febrile illness associated with small vesicular or ulcerative lesions on the posterior oropharyngeal structures (enanthem)” (per web). In other words it is a virus that causes blisters in the mouth. The way it can be spread is by mouth or spit. And well most of know most 15 months old love to put everything in their mouth. So here we are Saturday night and Sunday morning sanitizing everything (that a huge amount of toys to wipe down by the way) and making sure Tyler and Parker play separate that was feat in itself. This lasted for about 4 LONG days on the 5th day Parker was feeling much better and appetite back. He now eats as much as Tyler if not more. He is for a growing boy. Parker is walking and running all over the place. When he hears music watch out MJ (RIP), Parker can MOVE...

Joshua is staying busy with work (always a good thing), and being Dad. He is wonderful with the boys and so hands on which is such a blessing. He has taken a new cool role I think as editor of my new blog Hello Rockin Pies. How does this work, easy, I tell him what I want it to say and he makes it sound so good and like me. He has been a great support and rock for everything in our family.

As for me well just me... ahh did you think that was all I was going to put? Nope not me aka Chat Chick.
Let's see in the last few months I have been really taking a hard look at my life and where I am in my life. Am I present, doing what I was created to do, etc.? After much journal time and pie making I am happy to say that I am learning to deal with life's curves and make the most of each day. Oh right pie making.. I am on a new journey as you might know. I am making pies! It is a great therapy. No I am not eating all of them, I share a huge amount of what I make, to coworkers, friends and family and neighbors... Why pies? When I think of the word pie I smile don't You? Need I say more.. Pie makes people happy and smile that is the most fun for me. I love blogging the journey, I have learned so many things from making pies and hope you can follow me through the journey, http://hellorockinpies.blogspot.com/

Hope that catches you up if you wanted to caught up that is..
Have a great night and weekend!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Started New Blog.. Check it out

I am starting a new journey and documenting it... check it out if you want.