Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fell/186/Not too old, not too late... This is the year!

So it has been a while since I wrote on this journal, and sorry to those who come here to read something so I am going to see if I can catch you up on things.
Lets see Monday night I fell and banged up my knee, that was our night to clean the house, Joshua said I would do anything to get out of that, he was only kidding, and those of you that know me, know that I LOVE to clean and have a clean house, so that night I was down and in bed early. Tuesday, my knee was sore but that was about it thank the Lord. I took Tyler to the doctor, to make sure he did not have an ear infection, and thankfully he just had the crud going around. It seems my boys are passing this “crud” back and forth to each other. Parker is doing better still coughing like no ones business but over all is doing better. Tyler is finally sleeping through the night again, and getting the sleep that he so needed, and is doing better. So I did not “get out” of cleaning this week we cleaned Tuesday night and finished up the washing the laundry. Wednesday nothing really exciting happened, I went to work and got home we had fish sticks and mashed potatoes, it was a real hit with Tyler, so you know what that means.. yeah more fish sticks for sure. It is nice to have a change in menu choices. We are trying out a new schedule in the Hansen house and I think it is working, it is very general but making sure everything gets done that needs to be done. Joshua has really been helping with more household stuff and that has REALLY been helping me. Thursday was an interesting day, Tyler and I butted heads A LOT, boy is he STRONG WILLED.. We had a rough morning but after a trip to the cure all Target he was better, plus I dangled that possibility of going to the library if he acted like a good boy the rest of the day. That worked, Thursday afternoon we all jumped in the car and took a family trip to the library. Tyler loves going there, to play with puzzles and getting to pick out dvd’s and books.. and I love the look on his face when he like anything just priceless. Oh, so after the rough morning I had I decided to do that crazy thing of weighing myself.. drum roll…. LOST 2 more pounds so that makes it what? 186… and dropping  I did pretty good at working out this week, better than last,, I walked a total of 7 miles, looking forward to that number going up each week!
On a side note, Tyler is really becoming his own person and at times it is really difficult but more times than not I catch myself looking at T wondering where all the time has gone.. he is growing so fast getting so smart.. and well just plain funny and pure boy, sure do love that kid. Parker is doing well too, he has eaten some cereal but mostly still bottles, we are still waiting for him to roll over by himself, I know this is coming.. just hope I am there when it happens you know. With Tyler I was there for all his first, well most of them, and with Parker since I work P/T I might miss some things but I am praying that the first happen when I am around, and when we are at home, so Joshua can see it too. Thursday night was bible study, we are starting a Beth Moore study called Inheritance it was really good. Really hit home with me. She was asking ,” is this your year?” and you know I really think this is my year. Seems like I have finally woken up to life and hearing God, I know that might sound where but seems His message to me is everywhere.. Thursday night, it was is this your year, wanting a wild ride for life, last night was a word from God saying “it’s not too late, your not too old”.. that REALLY hit home. You know what I am not too old, what better day than today to start what I have always wanted to do. I KNOW there is stuff in me that needs to get out and I know that once I tap into that it will just keep coming I have this burn in my hear to get closer and closer to God and can’t wait to find out what is there.. So excited.. and you know I am just excited about life.. in our life group we are reading “When God’s people pray”, and it is really good. I have realized how important prayer is. Yes I grew up in church and have always “prayed” but the question in have I pressed in to hear from God, to wait upon the Lord to hear what He has for me.. well not really. So here we go, PRESSING IN, ROCKIN out of Jesus!!!
NoW we had a great turn out 90 plus people there and most importantly God was there. We just gathered as God’s kids and praised Him, it was GREAT and such a blessing it really was a great time.
Last night my kids stayed at their Papaws and Grandma’s house (J’s parents), and Joshua and I got to spend time together last night after NoW, we watched the DVD session for this weeks life group, it was a struggle to get through we were both so tired, but I am glad we did it for sure.. Today I got some me time, to pain nails and just chill. Joshua went to the Men’s Breakfast at church and after I get ready we are going to IHOP then to watch Avatar, so looking forward to more time with hubby.. Tonight hanging at Luis and Kim’s house, can’t wait to get to know them better they are so rockin cool, just really great people.. and love them… there is your shout out Kim and Luis if you read this.

Monday, February 22, 2010

ROCK out for Jesus/ Talk is cheap, time for ACTION

Love this pic.. Me and Tyler being crazy.. I want to be that crazy Mom more.
Hello all Wow what a weekend!! Boys are still sick I “think” Parker is getting better, Tyler not so much, I am going to call the nurse today on Tyler and see what is going on with him, wondering if he has an ear infection, hope not.. that is for sure… anyways.. the Hansen house is still being sprayed with disinfectant all the time and I am trying to kill those germs, and pray each day for God to get our family well… in His timing right?
So this weekend Friday night, I went karaoke with some friends of mine.. and I sang a song I have not sang in at least 3 to 4 years.. and let me tell you.. I will say I rocked it.. I realized how much I miss that, how much I miss the rocker that is inside me.. why should I settle for the coffee house kind of thing when that is just not me? And no I am not saying there is ANYTHING wrong with coffee house style. I know there is a rocker inside of me, and that is what I realized that night, that I need to start on that path of well Rocking out for God.. who says Christians can’t rock, I know I sure don’t!!! So I have made yet another goal and looking forward to this.. I Krizty Hansen will ROCK for Jesus!! I am going to work on this from the inside out.. watch out world!! And if you want ask me about this, so you can keep me on this path and motivated and well in check.. I need that… I don't know I just feel like there is something shut up in side me, been there for many years.. just pleading to come out... Scared what might happen, I will say a little bit, but you know what.. God has my back, not only him but my family and friends do to...
I am going through a lot of growing it seems, and it hurts at times.. you realize things that are hard to realize and God helps you take a long look at them and figure out how to get pass some things..In my quite time I am really learning how to pray and feel a connection to God, that He is actually there and hears me.. OH WHAT A FEELING!!! Right now I am STILL wondering why I have had this dream for well as long as I can remember and I am sitting at a desk, as an admin.. maybe I should be admin by day and rock it out by night… hum …. But seriously, my desires of my heart is to be at home with kids and to be a musician and somehow get paid for it, do I want to be on a huge stage and be the next Third Day.. not really, that would be cool, if that is God plan SWEET!! I just want to do something I enjoy and have the passion for. I don’t like being away from my kids doing something I don’t really have passion for… So all that being said.. time to get off my “bump” and start doing something about this—practice, sing every chance I get, and network. I guess I am just tired of talking about it.. and I know people are tired of hearing about it… well right here right now, if you are reading this, know… God put this passion in my heart for a reason it is time I do something about it. Talk is cheap… so time for some action!!!!
You know when you look in the mirror and you want to see what is inside you just ready to burst out.. you are just scared to take the steps? Well when I look in the mirror I see someone who is just walking through life at times. Yes God is working on me, I am changing, and loving this journey now, but I still at times have this feeling that there God has something more for me out there… Don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful for my family, friends, and job and such… I just really feel a change coming on and can’t wait.. I am ready… what I need to do is focus on what I can do now about what I want to do in the future. When my kids are in school I don’t want to come back to an admin job for the rest of my life.. I want to do something I am passionate about I know there are may different ways of doing this, I just need to hit the ground running.. I pray God keeps me motivated and I don’t get distracted my LIFE, may I use my time wisely and keep this fire burning in me.
I am not even sure this post made sense but when I started this I made a promise to myself I would post everything… including rambling thoughts..
As for food and weight, have not weighed in today.. did work out,, walked two miles! As for food, kind of lost that battle this weekend but you know what today is a new day..!! I need to focus my emotions on my music and other things than food… so an emotional eater it is NUTS!!! More tomorrow..!!!
Krizty’s thought for the day – When you look in the mirror and you don’t see what you want, who says you can’t change that? You have God on your side, what else do you need?

Friday, February 19, 2010

You are such a pretty girl.. What?

I thought I would get my blog out early in the day so here is goes.. as you see below on the last post the update on Brandi, what a trooper she is.. Props to you Bran. I would like to wish my dear friend Amanda happy birthday..home chick is not even close the 30 and stressed out about it… to all my ladies that are there and well over.. we might think.. you will be okay..  Happy Birthday Amanda hope you have a great one.. oh and Happy Anniversary to Chad and Melissa Smith.. So happy Chad picked you Melissa.. love you both so much!
This week has been a rough week with working out think I have only worked out twice, if it was not just being simply too tired or my kids being sick I could not seem to peel myself off my bed.. I know it is sad. And the fact that I am going to bed in the wee hours of the night is not helping I am SURE of it. So right here and right now that is going to change bedtime for Krizty Hansen is at latest 10pm on the weekdays, so okay that said moving on. My eating habits I think I have done well, I have not been “counting” calories but been watching them, so we will find out on Monday if I actually lost more weight.
So the news in our house, our boys are sick AGAIN!!! I am so frustrated.. I just got them both feeling better. Parker has a cold, might turn into RSV or bronchitis will know this weekend, the docs say it will get worse before it gets better but we should start seeing improvement Sunday and if he is not showing improvements by Monday we have to take him in to the doc again. (on a side note I LOVE our doc that we usually see, but I don’t like to keep the paying their electric bill, meaning we have been there a lot since the first of the year). With Parker is so sad he has a bad cough and you think he will not be able to recover, but he is a trooper… oh here is something funny… I took him to the doctor on Wednesday (it was a new dr., our reg. dr. was not available) So anyways, she is looking at Parker and says, “What a pretty baby you are. You are such a pretty girl, she is so pretty.” Now at first I thought, well long day I am losing my mind, someone just called MY SON a girl… WHAT? So she kept going.. and I stopped her and said, “Ah, yeah Parker is a boy.” She said “Oh, well you can never tell with just the diaper.” I thought.. umm LOOK AT THE CHART!! I know he is pretty but really? So that is how the appointment started and from then to the end I just thought wow, I am pretty sure she does not know what she is talking about.. Amazing how a person says one thing and from them on you are thinking.. hum yeah… anyways… And my little Tyler, he has a runny nose and is congested that started yesterday, so I have him on Vicks rub, and Vicks humidifier… Yes both boys have humidifiers going, both are elevated when sleeping, we are washing hands like crazy, and I am disinfecting the house every chance I get… So please pray that the boys get better.. I am bummed they are sick and bummed we had to move plans for Tyler’s first sleep over….. I know there will be another chance someday.. but still. Hope you all have a good weekend. Not sure I will post this weekend unless something crazy comes up and I need to share.. Monday is weigh in day (so not looking forward to that, hoping for a loss.) Stay tuned.
Krizty’s thought for the day: Is time really on our side… ?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Latest on Brandi

Hope all is well. I just heard from Brandi, (my cousin)…well the tumor was stage 3, she is meeting with her oncologist next week to discus options. She/We are praying for not only healing but that her body to be able to handle the chemo so there will be no need for radiation. She is in GREAT sprits and she is such a strong woman… Her family is well John (her husband) is getting over an ear infection please keep him in your prayers for healing on that.

Thank you all so much for all your prayers and thoughts.. please keep them going.. I will keep you posted…

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


“You have time, it is what you choose to do with it…” That is what my husband told me last night when I was complaining about not having time for practicing my guitar and writing, just me time.. and you know what it really hit home with me. He was so right, I complain about not having time, but I make time for my TV shows not my passion.. Something wrong with that? Well yeah I think so.. so I am going to be more mindful of what and who I spend my time on and see if that works. OH.. before I forget Joshua and I are getting baptized together, well at separate times but on the same morning.. We are so excited and can’t wait.. if you are around come and join the celebration and public comment. We want to make sure to leave the old life behind us and start the new life, what better way than to do this together!! YEAH… oh date is March 7th at the 11:15am service!
So today my cousin is going to find out what stage her cancer is, Dear God please be with her and John today and give them peace and understanding, no matter what the outcome is. That is one tough chicka… Brandi. She is so great, her humor is top notch and she is one of the strongest women I know. She takes care of her family while going through all that she is going through.. she is VERY smart and does her research on all the options for her treatment. She does not just listen to what doctors tell her but she goes out get 2nd opinions and does her own research so she can me up on all the lingo the docs use. I have known Brandi well all my life  we are six months apart she is so dear to my heart, I love her so much.. not sure if she reads this blog but want to let her know I am thinking about her and praying for her.. for strength to fight!!! And I am there with whatever help she may need. Love ya chicka!
So I did it, I went to Taco Cabana and got me a breakfast burrito… some of you might ask, “Wow, does she know how many calories that is?” Yeah I do.. 400 something, but you know what as tired as I am was well actually as tired as I am, I did not really care, at the time. So I am at work opening the bag and to my surprise there is a HUGE container of hot sauce, and I thought, “Finally, they got it, When you ask for extra hot sauce they give you a big container of it… JACK POT..” Yes I know the simple things in life.. So for the rest of the day I need to keep my calories in check for sure to make sure I don’t go over, I think I should be fine though…
I did not get up to work out, my workout buddy Amanda did, at 5:30am there was a knock on the door.. I thought, “Oh CRAP”.. Because you see I was still in bed. Not only did Tyler keep me up most of the night (he is not sick, just think he could not sleep), but my alarm did not go off. So Joshua so nicely opened the door and told her sorry but Kristy is still in bed, she was up late with Tyler (at least that is what Joshua told me he said ;) So I would like to say sorry Amanda for not showing up this morning.. won’t happen again…
Today I am going to organize one of our engineers office, that required A LOT of label making, and I am okay with that for sure.. Love making labels!!!
All is well with me besides finding time for things I WANT to do not things I have to do those are getting done.
Krizty thought for the day: Unplug the TV!
Oh some of you have said you have issues commenting if you want to comment and it is not letting you just email me..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Update on Brandi

Pic of Brandi and her son Sam
My mom just heard from Brandi's Mom, Karen..
She said that Brandi and John are on their way to Houston. She gets her stitches out tomorrow and meets with the new neuro-oncologist to find out what stage the cancer is and what they recommend as a follow up treatment. Next week she meets with her Dallas neuro-oncologist to see what she recommends for treatment. They feel sure they will recommend chemo but not sure about radiation. Hopefully, she won't have to do radiation. She is doing okay but tires easily. I'll let you know when I hear anything else. Thanks again for all the prayers.

Good day

Today was a good day... I worked out walked 3 miles, did some house work, spent good time with both boys, and got some clothes watched.... AND I got to hang out with Jen and Amanda.. so so enjoyed that... been a long time..
More tomorrow I am sure... I am in a hurry right now... later.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow, boys, Tyler the snowman

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Snow pictures

Here are some snow pics and new pics of the boys.... I have more on Picasa, and facebook enjoy!

Drum Roll... Weigh in day!!

Finally a post..
Let me start of with something I wanted to start too, someone who has made a difference in my life… my sister Sheri.
She one strong willed chicka and knows what she wants, I have always admired that, she works hard to get what she wants, but her heart is tender if you peel the layers. She can be the strong one when you need a shoulder to cry on, the “fighter” when you “think” you don’t have the strength to fight. And just plain caring, she is a woman of few words well fewer than me, but I love her to pieces and I am so lucky she is my sister and thank you for loving my family like you do, they all love you, Tyler loves his Aunt She She. Love you sis….
I know I posted Friday; I still need to get those pictures up of the Tyler the snowman. Yes Tyler named his snowman Tyler. First a little update, looks like Parker will be rolling over really soon, he wants to sit up so bad… it is so funny to watch him while he is laying down trying to sit up.. he looks like me trying to do a sit up… pretty funny..
Tyler is doing just fine, he got a Jessie Toy Story action figure for V-Day and plays with Woody, Buzz and Jessie a lot now.
So I said I would be honest on everything on this post so here I go, Friday was a good day, played in the snow and walked three miles (walk away the lbs.), but Friday night I just did not want anything but Pizza.. So yes I gave in, Joshua went to Papa Johns and picked up a pizza, but my side was all veggies, HA.. like that makes a big difference right? So we made that night Family Pizza night we all did a picnic on the couch, which meant Tyler did not have to eat that table he loved that, then we watched “Night at the Museum Battle of the Smithsonian” a cute movie, but soon discovered Tyler is still not ready for a the movie theater. After getting the boys to bed Joshua and I watched “Whip It” it was really good, made me want to go roller skating for sure. So after a rushed Saturday morning of getting ready for family pictures we rushed off to downtown McKinney to take some family pictures, our dear friend Karis took them.. Thanks Karis, we had a blast, and we can’t wait to see them. After that I took all my boys out to lunch, then we just had a relaxing rest of the day at home.. Oh for food that day, I ate the ultimate feast at Red Lobster and on our way home we stopped at Braum’s for a banana split (Joshua and I shared).. Oh did I mention that Friday night Joshua not only came home with a pizza he got me some of those icing covered sugar cookies.. and lets just be honest here HELLO. They are so good, who would not have one.. or two or three, just kidding only had two… eeek… So Sunday (Happy Valentine’s Day) we went to church and God was so there, by the way.. Eric had a great sermon about having lost the loving feeling with God. Do you have that feeling you first had for God when you were fired up? Do you still crave time with God and put His relationship with you FIRST? All some GREAT questions that we all should “look in the mirror and see ….” The mirror does not lie that is for sure… So that service really spoke to me, I know I have not had the passion for God that I previously had a WHILE back. I am working on getting this back.. I just want my fire to burn and to be a light to others, you know? So while I was waiting for the end of the 1st service someone asked me how my weight was going.. I was really surprise they were keeping up with my blogs, and they really motivated me once again to get serious, it was GREAT thanks Adrian, means a lot you are keeping up with my journey.. Sunday night was great we had our life group and it was so much fun, we played the Newlywed Game… And the Smith’s won.. way to go Jeff and Darcy!!! It was a great turn out and I look forward to getting to know everyone on a new level in our group.
I did get up this morning and walked 2 miles, my dear friend Amanda is coming over in the morning to work out with me. While I am on the subject about Amanda, let me just say.. If know Amanda you are one lucky person. She is an amazing woman of God and so caring and REAL. I love her to pieces and really consider her like a sister to me. So a shout out to Amanda, Love ya! Anyways she came over we walked 2 miles and tomorrow we will walk 3 miles. 
Well look you read all the way here, just a few more lines, YEAH.. right? So after not wanting to weigh myself, who would with all the crap I ate this weekend.. I guess the week of watching it really helped… DRUM ROLL…………… at 188!!! Two pounds down… more to go but you know what I am excited the number is going down!!! YEAH.. great way to start off the week..
Thanks for reading my blog all that do… I hope I keep you interested in this journey…
Krizty thought for the day: If a dog barks we call it a dog, if a bird cheeps we call it a bird, if another human struggles we don’t call them a failure we call them human, and pick them up and help them along their journey… be there, be present in your relationships with others, everyone needs help and encouragement along the walk of life.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Days

Quick note let you know computer about to die so more posting later today Got some good ones... Snow day here, great pics are coming soon... Did not workout yesteday but walked 3 miles today.. thought it was going to kill be but I made it.. :) Hope everyone in North Texas is enjoying the snow... more posting later today.. sorry i missed yesterday just not in the cards I guess.. Tyler and Parker are both feeling better.. PTL!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pick story continues, hard day yesterday, weight and measurments.

This picture is to honor my WONDERFUL HUBBY.. he does so much and works so hard to provide for our family, he is great with the kids, helps me when he can, and just an all around rockin dude.. and he is one handsome hot fella to boot!!!
Okay, that being said.....
Well it seems that yesterday ended up on a good note, that afternoon I was not sure at all how it would end up. Yesterday Joshua and I took Parker to the doctor of a four month well visit and it took us about three hours total. (we had to run by Target before coming home.) Our wonderful neighbor and dear friend Amanda watched Tyler while we were at the doctor and that was a GREAT help. Once we got home and I ate lunch, (Tyler was fed by Amanda, thanks girl), I started quite time with Tyler.. well the seems a few time outs later, and many warnings, quite time was over with no nap.. well about 3-4pm Parker starts to just SCREAM… I thought he was hungry tried that, NOPE. I thought he was running a fever, NOPE. I thought he was tired, NOPE. Well home to find out he was in pain, the shots were hurting I guess he legs were really hurting poor thing… so go through the house on a mad hunt for infant Tylenol, only to find nothing… oh did I mention in the middle of all this Parker threw up on me.. and I was trying to keep Tyler occupied (on that note, THANK YOU IPHONE!) Anyways, with baby yack on my shirt I put on a jacket and I am off to the store to by some meds. With the mood that I was in I was not about to test it with Wal-Mart so I went to Kroger. Well the Tylenol was are you ready? NINE BUCKS!!! Yeah that is right 9 bucks.. crazy.. so I went to pay for this box of gold apparently, and off I went to get back home to two upset boys, (Tyler was finally feeling the effects of NOT taking a nap). So I open the door to all three of my boys (Joshua, Parker and Tyler) ASLEEP on the couch!!! So thought, great, now I have time to clean up all the mess of today and cook dinner and eat all in time for worship practice tonight.. I got everything cleaned up and made supper, made the MISTAKE of waking up Tyler he was NOT happy so we laid him back down and he was out. GET THIS, he was out from 5pm to 4:30am this morning.. wow… crazy…
So during all this I thought it would be a GREAT idea to get all my measurements done… yeah.. what great timing right?
well long story short, finally got Joshua and I to eat dinner and I was off to worship practice.. which was great.. God was there, we had church last night.. so excited about Sunday!!! After practice I came home, fixed the boys bag they needed for today and then fixed me a cup of hot chocolate, then watched American Idol. (side note, really like Ellen as a judge, I think she will do great.) I went to bed at a decent time so that was night.. it was a HARD day but OVER ALL it was an okay day.
So.. I don’t know if any of you are wondering if Joshua got the pick out of the toilet from the other day, well in case you were losing sleep over this, Joshua did fish it out, but I am not sure I am going to use it.. yuck!! I know it was just water, but it was in the toilet.. so.. yeah..
Okay… so this is the big post.. and if you have read this far you are willing to read some more I am sure.. .. here is what I am going to do.. each day I am going to post my progress through this journey of losing weight and changing my life… so.. here is the skinny.. Pun intended… right..
Anyways… I am going to post my weight and measurements every two weeks, to keep track of the progress… If you would like to post any comment or just read for your reading pleasure that is GREAT. This is my way of keeping myself accountable to whoever is reading this blog. I am doing this to get healthy, it is time NOW… I need to get healthy for me, my family.. and I need to be a good example to my boys on how to be active and healthy.. need to start NOW.
Okay so here it is… drum roll please………..
Weight – 190 My measurements.. eeek … all these are in inches btw.. ;) waist-40, chest-43, arms-12 1/2, bottom- 44 1/2, Legs (calves) – 15 1/2 (right), 15 (left), thighs – 26 on both, shoulder-16… okay so that is my starting point.. I don’t have goals on my measurements, just to get smaller. As for the weight my goal is 135 -140. I encourage any advise, encouragement and just to let me know you are there for support.. this is my version of Biggest Loser except I am not on national TV with a sport braw and tights on.. THANK GOD!!!
Today I got up had my quite time and did walk away the lbs, I walked a mile.. next week I am going to bump it up to two miles. I feel back a little on my water yesterday but today is a new day and going to start that back up.
Please keep reading the blogs, and join me in my journey.. I look forward to sharing this with all of you.. Toodles for now….
Pondering thought for the day: If someone says, such and such is for the birds, how do they know, do they know a bird, and if they do, does this bird talk??

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Update on kiddos

Tyler is doing well, a normal crazy two year old who test the lines constantly it seems... he is one hardheaded and strong willed boy for sure.. There is a picture attached.
Here is update on Parker William, he went to his four month well appointment today.. I know four months already WHAT?

Okay he weighs 15lbs and 10.5oz and is the 75th percentile of weight, He is 26 ½ inches long which puts him in the 97th percentile, shocking right?

He is doing great right on track for growth and all we are starting him on cereal/oatmeal tonight at dinner so we will see how that goes. There is a picture attached.

Monday, February 8, 2010


This is a picture of me where I want to get back to.. This was taken in the Paris Airport... in the summer of 2005
Well I am not sure who even reads this but I thought I would post something this morning.. to let everyone know.. I did get up early this morning.. YEAH!!! Well Parker helped me with that, he was up at 5 am hungry so I thought at 5:20am well might as well stay up so I did. While I was having my quite time Tyler joined me about 6am then after that, I pulled myself out of bed to work out... I walked one mile!! Not much I know but you know what? It was something.. after that I packed the boys bag for the day (need to do that the night before in retrospect). I fixed breakfast for myself, Tyler or Joshua did not want eggs and toast... I had breakfast with Tyler then off to the mad rush of getting ready... Can I just say there is just something about getting things done in the morning that make your day start off great... Mom was right.. if you make your bed before you leave your day seems so much better.. well and quite time helps ALOT too.. Joshua got up about 6:30 and helped me by getting Tyler ready.. so I hopped into the shower, to discover the hot water was quite limited... I was determined to shave my legs.. LOL nothing like a good leg shave job to start off the day.. so cold or hot water this was going to happen.. oh wait, I was out of my shaving cream so I "got" to use Joshua's LOL.. so here I am in a COLD shower, with J's shaving cream smelling like Gillete guys shaving cream.. LOL.. but rest assured I got it done.. yeah!!! So got ready in a mad rush, while Tyler put a guitar pick in the toliet and proceeded to ask me to get it.. I said.. UMM.. NO.. yuck... so that will be going down the pipes... Unless J gets it.. I have many more... After I was finally ready (btw, I don't take long just 30 min.) we rushed to get everyone in the car, open the door to find out it was raining raining (for those of you that don't know me that well, that means it was raining REALLY hard... ) So we got the boys in the car off we went.. to Maggie's ... we got there safe and sound and in the house safe and sound... and get this I was only 5 minutes late to work.. I know that is late but latley that is a record for me... next goal is to be here by 8.. Let me just say I love my job so laid back and guys are so nice. so that really helps being away from my boys.. is not SO hard because I don't hate my job... :) Well off to work some more just thought I would update.. you know if you read these let me know.. would like to know if anyone is even reading these...either way I am still going to post.. I am going to weigh myself tonight inches and all... stayed tuned... oh tonight Jennifer is coming over we are working on a Val. gig for the Life Group.. should be lots of fun.. then I am going to take some time to write and play have ALOT on my mind for that....
I think I will start to take a picture ever week to see my progress... that would be a great idea.!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl -- now it starts...

Okay so great weekend it was very relaxing I got a nap Sat. and Sunday how about that!!! Yesterday I watched Dear John with a dear friend and her mom it was a great movie loved it...... I watched Hoarders today on A and E and it was well blowing my mind how people can live like that, and felt so sorry for them, what they must have gone through sometime in their life to think no one cares about them why should they care for them or where they live.. One of the shows there was this lady that had TWO dead decomposing cats in her living room and she did not know it... they found them flattend in the floor YUCK... made me want to jump up and clean my house although I did that yesterday... We watched the Super Bowl.. well I did kind of... commercials were okay but nothing to write home about for sure.... miss the good commercials and half time shows, I am The Who was good but not great... Carrie Underwood did a great job I thought.. well tomorrow starts a new day, going to really work on staying on schedule with both me and the kids and Joshua, I am getting up and working out and doing a devotion and going to t eat healthy too.. i know it is more expensive but we are either going to pay now or later in doctor bills and I rather pay now and be healthy... I don't want my children to have the burdon of taking care of Joshua or I.. we need to do all we can do to be healthy and teach our sons a good example of being active... so today it starts I am going to journal about it ask me how it goes and I want to update each day, not sure how descriptive I will be on things such as weight and inches but we will see how that goes...
Well gettting late for me.. new bed time.. till tomorrow..
Must make time to write and practice.. MUST!!!
OH..PM had a great service today.. about making sure our relationships are where they should be really hit home with me... I need to have so much more pacience with Tyler.. just sometimes I am thinking wow really but God will help me.. I can do all thinking through Christ who stregnths me.....

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Time is going too fast!!!

You know people say time flies and one day you look up they are graduating High School, I am feeling that already... My youngest son will be four months tomorrow and he already looks like he is almost one, He likes to sit up and he can sit up a little by himself, he loves to hold his head up, and thinks he is much older than he is.. he wants to get up run with his big brother... and speaking of the oldest... He is growing so fast too, he is a smart two year old and comes up with the funniest saying and things that he says. I just wish time would slow down already, I guess all I need to do is cherish the time I have with them as they grow right.... ??? I hope to keep these moments they are in now fresh in my head... If anyone has a machine that can slow time please let me know.

I was blessed a few weeks ago to have my Granny come and meet my son Parker, both of my sons have met their Great Granny, who they call GG. I am so blessed to still have my Granny around.. and only wish Parker could have met Mammaw..but I know she met him before I did.. so that is always nice to know... Sure miss her. but Love me Granny very very dearly.


After all morning and all of lunch finally figured out how to link my FB page and create the NoW FB page, lets see how it goes.....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where is the time

I have decided I need 48hours in one day..that would really help out.. there are so many things I want to accomplish in a day and seems I dont get all them done.. I know you have to start on one thing and work from there, but if you know me that is not how I work. Been a while since I posted. Many things have happened, God has shown me when to hold my mouth (as some of my friends tell thier kids, to put a bubble in my mouth) I have done that...
We had a great turn out at girls night,see the pics on facebook I am going to post them. and I am busy with promoting NoW. We also started up Life Groups this week at church Joshua and I are going to lead a group we are so excited and can 't wait to see what God has planned for the group and we look forward to getting to know each of your group members better....
I have been having a heck of time with Tyler but this week has been a good week, so hoping and praying it stays that way... nothing really new new.. besides of things I need to do: Work out, devotion, write, play guitar,practice singing, update Parkers baby book, paint Tyler's table, pick out life group study, keep up on my womans bible study, house work, have time for me have time for hubby, have time for kids, plan vday for hubby and I, and go to work.. I think what I will do is each blog cross one off and see how that goes. Going to start this tomorrow.. btw.. Joshua is still looking for a part time job.. and hoping all that turns out soon.... so we can get on a set schedule.. I am weird seems I have problems functioning off a schedule.. humm is God trying to tell me something.. hummm... thinking Let GO... what do you think..
Well of to work on NoW Facebook page.