Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Floating... don't like it.

Hello all, well yesterday there was really nothing that went on, oh wait.. Tyler was up at 3:30 am we are not sure if he ever went back to sleep, but about 6:30am Joshua wakes me up saying he needs my help and heads to Tyler’s bathroom, I get up and follow and what a surprise I find.. My dear son Tyler, had been a busy little boy. He used pretty much an entire tube of toothpaste to “decorate” his bathroom, toothpaste was all over the mirror, sink and wall… looking back at least the toothpaste smelt like berries, Ha! And he also got everything that was below the sing (he never messes with) got all that out and had a time. So that is how we started our day out yesterday.. but it got better. The boys and I went to bible study and it was a good time. Then about 1pm Joshua’s Mother came to get Tyler for a night and day at their house, so about two Parker and I took a nice nap and I caught up on my shows. After that we had dinner than I was off to worship practice. I came home and watch AI… it was pretty good, I kept falling sleep though.. so did not see everyone… so we will so who goes tonight I did not vote this week, so I hope mine are safe. I slept pretty good, woke up about 7:30am and Parker was up and hungry and ready to eat.. you know he is so freaking cute.. So while getting ready Joshua had the TV on VH1.. all I have to say is WHY do people think they need to be showing so much freaking skin come on people.. it is not about your body, it SHOULD be about the music.. I think that is where we as a society have lost the vision on music… it is all about how you look not really how you sound… that is sad.. hope that changes.. really do.
So I am in a really weird place right now.. I seem to be just floating through life, and really don’t like that feeling, I WANT to get my feet back on the ground and I am working on that.. thanks to everyone for the encouraging FB post and emails.. means a lot.. I know this too will pass but come on… really…… ? I just typed a lot of stuff out and deleted after reading it, thought it might come across wrong.. moving on..
So there is a place by my work were there are men standing there waiting for someone to drive by that need people to work for them.. I am not sure how that works with the pay and on the books and stuff but I hope they are getting paid and it is all legal. Anyways, there was a truck that drove up and people just ran to the truck, so many people you could not even see the truck anymore till they drove off.. it was just so sad to watch to know that your income comes from how fast you can find a job and how many jobs you can do..Man… thought Hello Krizty, BUCK UP… your life is not bad at all… it was like as my hubby said.. a flock of hungry pigeons but only one piece of bread.. man..
I am really missing my kids… I miss Tyler so much, he will be gone for 1.5 days till I see him next going to see him about 6pm tonight… although he can be a serious handful I sure do miss the guy. I still can not wrap my head around him turning 3 on Monday.. I know.. that is crazy…
Maybe my main issue is that Time is flying and I feel like I am missing out somehow.. so how to fix that? Stand up and get in the game.. stop watching on the side lines.
Krizty thought for the day--- I am ready to play!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

This weekend... and.. more more..

This is from a devotion I was reading this morning.. really good stuff..
"Right now, I want you to use your imagination. The Bible tells us in Ephesians that we are "in Christ" and Christ is "in us." It also tells us that we are seated "in heavenly places" and "transferred to the kingdom of Christ." Picture yourself sitting right beside Jesus under a spreading oak tree. Perhaps His arm is around your shoulder and your head is resting on his chest. You can feel the beating of His heart against your cheek and your head moves with the rise and fall of His breathing. With His other hand, He strokes your head and immediately knows how many hairs are on your head. His breath warms your skin as it brushes past your face. Imagine Him looking into your eyes and knowing your innermost being and meeting your gaze with a warm, affirming smile reassuring you of His love and care.
Now tell me, as you imagine yourself in the presence of Jesus, how anxious do you feel? How rejected do you feel? How worried about tomorrow are you? You may be thinking, "Yes, Sharon. I feel at peace in that scene. But that's not reality." Dear sister, that is the greater reality. No matter what you are going through today, Jesus is right there with you. So maybe you just need to sit down and be quiet for a while."

Okay so great weekend we had just start off with that.
Friday night we had pizza night and a family movie, we watch Astro Boy it was pretty cute, and it held Tyler’s attention most of the time. We had a picnic on the couch and made an event out of the night. Friday night after we put the boys to bed we spent the rest of night trying to pick out what song I was going to sing for the MGT, the try outs are a week from Friday…!!! So I settled on Free Fallin’ from Tom Petty, and we went to bed.
The next morning I was trying to sing Free Fallin while taking a shower and trying to “switch it up” to be mine.. and well it just did not work out… but thought nothing really of it.. and moved on getting ready… So I went to Baby’s R Us, with boys in tow, and a Jennifer a dear friend, to get some gifts for Cooper, Reyna’s baby boy. That was a good time picking out the presents and looking at all the CUTE stuff they had for babies and kids, and you would be proud those of you out there, I did not buy anything for Tyler or Parker.. Although, Tyler was pointing at everything saying, “ Look Momma, this is cute…” But I escaped that trap and did not get anything for the boys.. YEAH Me… OH.. on the way to the store we saw that there will be a Freebirds coming in the Allen Village.. those of you that know this place.. don’t have to explain.. those that don’t.. it is like Chipotle but MUCH better (Jennifer P, you know it is ;) ) So that was really exciting for me.. yeah I know.. sad right? Oh well.. then after dropping Jennifer off at her house I dropped off some blankets for Heather’s dog… and then I was off to Wal-Mart well thing was Tyler fell asleep… so .. I thought okay.. now what.. so I went to Sonic got a coke than called my cuz to see how she was.. we talked about stubborn boys, and how I am getting old.. with the blaring music by me.. but come on it was shaking my car too… so.. yeah… then after that I went home parked the car and have a great conversation with my neighbor, soon not to be… booo boo… and then Tyler finally woke up about an hour after that. When he woke up Joshua told me he needed something from Wal-Mart a 6inch wood screw.. umm yeah right.. what?? Sending me to the store to get something like that.. good luck.. so Amanda came with me.. well on our way… we started talking about IKEA…and we make a spontaneous call to just go there and then to Wal-Mart.. well we also thought we would go to Anna to take a look at a house, so after that we headed to IKEA for the IKEA experience.. as I told Amanda this is an event.. (I think she thought I was crazy… ) but guess what it was… it took us a few hours to go through it and.. get this.. drum roll please….. NEITHER ONE OF US BOUGHT ANYTHING!!! Did we want to .. umm heck yeah..!!! I got some great ideas on how to cover my old pillows at home and so going to do that once I have the extra $$. It was really fun and I loved spending some girl time with Amanda.. good times.. so then on our way to Wal-Mart Amanda got a call that she had missed an appointment so I had to run her home.. well since we live next to each other, I called Joshua and said, “Hey coming to get you we are going to Wal-Mart.” So I dropped A off and picked up J and we were off to Wal-Mart… on the search for a 6 inch wood screw and Easter eggs for the Easter egg hunt this Saturday, well we did find the eggs and plus.. but not wood screw…. So we headed home had some dinner and watched some TV, I had some Krizty time (did my nails and just chilled) , I picked another song, since Free Fallin was not working out, I moved to Lisa Loeb “Stay” I think that will really be a better fit… now I just need to step up on the practicing and get to it…. After I picked the song, yet again… I was off to bed..
Then yesterday hit… and let me fess up here, although I have been out of my rut it seems I have made myself really busy…. Too busy for quite time and just to be still.. so I can tell something was way off.. well Sunday morning was a tough time Joshua went early to church for media and I was at home with kids… Tyler was in A LOT of time outs.. and we had good and bad moments…. So I got us all to church in a frenzy.. checking in the kids I ran into someone I knew they told me to smile.. I did.. and do you know… they said ,”Now that was the fakest smile I have ever seen.” I was totally taken back but laughed it off.. but inside I was crushed, and thought you know what maybe that was… so I headed to the sanctuary and it was weird, every song, event, and all I was in tears.. I was just a ball of water…. God was really dealing with me on how I need to think of these times with Tyler as a blessing and not a burden, children are blessings and just that… and I need to cherish my time.. and don’t get me wrong I do cherish my children but as some of you can attest to sometimes being a mom and dealing with kids stuff just wears on you, you know? And that was one of my days.. so that being said.. I cried a lot that morning and needed it so much.. there was a poem that our rockin pastor read it was called “Wet Oatmeal Kisses”. Wow that is a poem .. it changes your outlook on kids completely, it is a must read, I have it if you want me to email it to you…. Anyways…. I totally needed that poem and service..….and it was so refreshing to know that God knew this… We are all at appointed places at appointed time for God to move.. and boy did He move.. so after that off to a baby shower, in Flower Mound.. Cooper’s baby shower, never seen so many monkeys… but a really fun and cute shower.. I even won a game feeding Jennifer Parks apple sauce while I was blind folded.. so after the shower we went to Rosa’s CafĂ©.. YUMMO YUMMO.. it was GREAT… loved it…then we were off to life group… it was a great life group a lot of people shared, at times it seemed like we were going off track but I truly think some people there needed to hear what others had to say.. so Joshua just took it step by step and let it flow… at the end of the life group it was weird it was like in minutes all the kids had melt downs, two fell off the bed, (Tyler being one of them) Poor Maggie… thanks for watching all those kids btw… When we got home Tyler did not want to get out of the van so we left him in the to teach him a lesson how it would get cold and such… (Now don’t worry we did not leave him in there over night or more than 10 min.. we were watching him… ) he was thinking he had it all in his own little fort.. well until he bumped his head then he wanted to come in.. so we got him ready for bed and off to bed he went.. After that Joshua went to the store and I took some time and started on the “Purple Book” (side note… I have heard of the Purple Book for YEARS, I went to church where Pastor Rice preached, so all this talk of the Purple Book, back in the day I bought it.. but I lost it in the years of moving and packing and such… so I am excited to actually go through it) I did the first three sessions, trying to get the first chapter done by tomorrow… (remember the not having quite time all week last week.. yeah) and it was really great… I am loving it… I got some quite time and it felt great..
This morning I had ALL intentions on getting up and working out but, there is something up with my back.. can’t really move my right side that well not sure what is up with that.. but .. I did not work out due to that.. tomorrow I am going to push through… so I slept some more.. and I woke up late.. but you know that cool thing. I was running about 15 or more minutes late and I sat down before I got up to get ready and read my bible… (something I heard. Last night.. the word of God is like a vitamin, we need it to stay healthy… what a good way to look at it… ) And in praying we need to know God’s promises so we can use those while we are praying and to know God’s promises we need to read His word.. that is where the TRUTH is… and for some reason that really hit me..
I digress… so I was reading Psalms it was great and really spoke to me but the funny thing is I can’t remember what it said right now and where in Psalms it was.. I will have to look it.. up..
But today is the day the Lord has made.. I WILL Rejoice and be glad in it!!!!
More to come…. OH!!! My baby, big Boy Tyler will be 3 in 7 days.. !!!! What?? and Parker will be 6 months old already.. Wow... seriously where is the time going?

Friday, March 26, 2010


So I was looking and seems I only have 4 followers' I hope there are more people that read my blog... let me know.. that is sad I am begging for someone to let me know if they read all the "stuff" I put in my blog.. sad... funny, dorky... well that is me... so... ANYONE READING THIS?
Well let’s see.. what has happened since my last blog..Wednesday.. Nothing really Wednesday night we spent relaxing as much as we could and watching the results of AI. And not shocking Page got kicked off, man Page I will have to say with getting over your sickness, I would have passed on that song… ekk… Thursday I took Tyler to the doctor for a follow up on his ear infection and all is looking good on that part so that is good. I then went to the library to turn in books, get some more books, (for Tyler..) Yeah I still don’t read that much.. shocking I know… then off to Target for only two things and I just got two things, then to the bank, then home for a quick lunch, then I had to get Tyler out of Parker’s room (he locked himself in), thanks J for the help. Then a diaper change and 2nd bath for Tyler later, off to drop the kids off to Maggie’s (our wonderful sitter), and off to work.. after work I picked up the boys, went by Wal-Mart and then filled up with gas. I had bible study at 6:30 well made it by 6:50 there but it was a really rushed day it seemed.. Then it seems that Joshua has some kind of funk going on.. the entire left side of his head is messed up and it must be really bothering him because he is going to the doctor today… I know WHAT?? Crazy things happen… right.. this being one of them, I did have to nag a little bit to get him to go..
Well I am really glad today is Friday and looking forward to the weekend. We don’t have much planned, Joshua has something at the church tomorrow, and I have a baby shower I am going to Sunday afternoon.. Yeah Reyna… Cooper is such a cool name… Oh and sometime this weekend I MUST pick out a song for MGT (McKinney’s Got Talent).. I am getting a lot of good ideas thanks for all who have sent me some ideas… some are just freaking funny…. You know who you are… Well better get off to work I have was late today it was a crazy morning.. that is for another blog… well not really just the everyday craziness of two kids and a hubby…Next week I KNOW I have said this before but the workouts and the going to bed at a descent time WILL start I am tired of being so tired.. Man I REALLY want to get my hair cut and colored.. I am so about to color it on my own… I don’t like to have normal looking hair and it has been TOO Long.!!!
Thought for the day--- Why do people assume they are the only people on the road? Seriously... people.. (ok not sure if that was a thought or complaint…. Oh well)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Reflux..... so we wait..

Well we took Parker to the GI doc today and found out he is not aspirating when he is eating so that is good, nothing is going into his lungs. The nasty cough is caused by the reflux. So we are waiting to hear back from the doc to see what the next step is...looking like he will be sleeping elevated for a while and this is looking like a trial and error on what formula to use and such.... and a waiting game.. so.. yeah... I just thought of this.. maybe God is trying to get me wait... because I SUCK at waiting on things...
Thought for the day -- I am not a doctor, I'm a Mom that just wants my child to stop coughing!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Parker rolled over

So I just got an IM from Joshua, saying Parker rolled over from Tummy to back on his own for the first time.. I missed it.. Dang... well I guess at least he is doing it, hey I can check that off on his things he is suppose to be doing.. YEAH!!! Go Parker!! My big boy!!


Well I am officially enrolled for the McKinney’s Got Talent show, and my try out date should be April 9th, now I just have to figure out what to sing, can’t have any music, so we will see on that.. Joshua thinks I should see Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty.. and put my twist on it… I like that idea, I “think”.
Friday was date night, we had a great night planned, we were going to the drive through movies and just have a bang up ole time but after the budget was done and all the trips to the doc last week and this week coming we thought better not. So we dropped the kids off at Joshua’s Mom’s house so we could at least have some time together. After we dropped off the boys we went to eat a Chinese Buffet off 75 and White here in McKinney.. and well.. Joshua thought it was okay, me on the other hand, trying to have an open mind, it was okay. Then about an hour later, not so much.. tummy was HURTING.. so no more Chinese for me for a while… We went home and watched the movie Precious, Wow.. that movie was hard to watch but GREAT.. I can see why Mo’Nique got her Oscar.. Wow, she had to go to one dark place, but the film was really moving.. and one again put our my life in perspective.. As in, come on Krizty it is not that bad.. buck up… you know? After that hard, heavy and moving movie, we played some Guitar Hero.. and the time got away from us we stayed up till 2am. Good thing is with no kids we got to sleep later, I did not get out of bed till 10am and man did that feel good.. So after we got ready on Saturday we headed out to J’s mom to get the boys, and of course they both slept all night and were great.. LOL..funny how that happens… so after the boys and all their stuff were gathered we headed out for family day. We stopped for lunch at Chilis (apparently we eat there a lot Tyler knows the place). After that we headed to Main Event in Plano to play some games with Tyler.. well he fell asleep on the way so we killed some time for about an hour then headed for a world of fun and over priced video games. When we walked in Tyler looked around and said, “Wow, Cool!” he was really excited, we “tried” to play ski ball and he did not have an interest in it for long.. after that was all driving games and boat driving games.. Joshua went in the car to change Parker and feed him, so Tyler was left with me to play video games, (those of you that know me and how I SUCK at video games, might be thinking, “poor Tyler”..) Well get this, our first game that I played was a boat driving game.. get this we got 1st place and a FREE game… Holler!!! After that we did a simulator rollercoaster and Tyler liked it but did get a little scared I think he grabbed onto me.. and I told Joshua later I would ride a video game rollercoaster with T any day.. (in real life, rollercoaster’s and me are NOT friends) So we spent 20 bucks at the video place and it did not take that long. Wow.. oh well it was fun, then we headed to Sam’s to see if getting a membership would be worth the chu-ching. And it will. So we are going to sign up Tuesday I think, it will save us a lot of money for sure. After that we headed home.. oh and did I mention that Sat. was butt cold… (that is really cold)… So cold that it snowed 8 inches that night.. WHAT? Right I know… Snowing the end of March.. brings a whole new meeting to March Madness… So Saturday was a great family day.. Saturday night Parker was up A LOT… and Tyler was up EARLY, so we did not go to church, but did make it to life group that night and am so glad we did.. we talked about prayer and how we need to press in preparatory prayer, so God can prepare us for things coming our way.. because they will come our way, God wants us to be ready.. man do I need to work on that. So jumping back a bit, Friday I was feeling much better, yesterday afternoon started to feel yucky again.. and last night wow.. So hello sinus infection or something not sure but man do I feel yucky right now.. I blame this ALL on Joshua… he gave it to me.. thanks babe, you could have given me flowers or something.. Gift card would have been great, anything but this.. ;) So I plan on taking it really easy today… Joshua let me sleep in and he watched Parker last night and this morning so I could get some extra sleep. Oh last night, Joshua got a call from his dear friend (brother from another Mother) Noel, he asked Joshua to be in his wedding, Joshua was really honored and he is so excited… I thought it was really cool of Noel.. thanks dude if you even read this… so we are for sure going to CA in July.. looking forward to that.. that gives me HUGE motivation to the loosing weight and all…
Well this week, Wednesday, we take Parker to the GI doctor, so I hope they figure out what is going on with my baby… he is doing better I think but still coughing and spitting up a good amount at times, we have decided to not feed him after 8pm at night and not before 6:30am in the morning, because every time we do he throws it all up… sorry for ending on a graphic ‘ish note.. but…. This week hoping for a good one and to being well SOON.. (Tyler is well, Joshua is headed that way, and Parker is getting there, me seem to be at square one.. LOL)
Thought for the day—If you are up a lot with your kids in the middle of the night, just to get them to sleep, do you think God is trying to get you to spend time with Him? At times I think so.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Finally getting warmer!!! YEAH

Yesterday… was a great day... well the morning.. Tyler has a time of it. but it got better after lunch...
After a three hour nap the boys took, we all got ready and took off to the park. We made a stop at Wal-Mart to get a few things, (Tyler needed some shorts, and Parker needed formula), we ended up looking at toys with Tyler.. I “think” he got the idea we were looking for his birthday.. he was really good through it all so we let him pick out one Hot Wheel, what is 97 cents right? Oh during the visit to Wally World, Parker woke up with a really confused look on his face, (Joshua and I both were laughing). Tyler turned around and told Parker….”Hey brother, it’s okay we are at Target….” We corrected Tyler to let him know we were at WalMart.. Then he said.. “OH” and proceeded to correct himself. Like Parker knew what we were staying but none the less it is so cute to see how Tyler looks out for Parker….
Here are some pics of the park, this was Parker’s first time to swing, and wear his shades… Tyler loved to swing along side of his brother.. the other two pics are of Tyler…

Hope you all have a great weekend.. I am looking forward to my weekend…
Oh I am paying for my McKinney has Talent fee today.. so I won’t back out.
Thought for the day—I read this today… like it.. “Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.”

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Parker William in 18 month PJ's

So you remember me telling you about the Spider Man PJ's that were 18 months that Parker wore the other night.. here is a pic...

Now and Then.. time is flying... looking forward to the weekend.

Now and of Tyler and Parker.. First one was taken..3-14-09, and the second one 10-16-09, man they are growing fast..

Well I weighed in this morning.. and 186 is the tally… so working on getting that down… I am going full force next week working out and all. I am giving my body this week to get 100% better then watch out!!! Today I was suppose to go to work to make up some hours but Maggie (our dear sitter) has an ear infection so letting her rest… hope you get better Mags… today going to just chill with kids, going to the park this afternoon… right now I am watching Wallie.. not sure how many times I have seen this.. but Tyler really likes it. I will have to say it is a great movie if I can watch it over and over and it not bother me… at least it is not an annoying movie right? Counting my blessings on that… Off to get some computer stuff done… Hope you all have a rockin out day… check out my face book page there will be new pics on there today…Looking forward to date night tomorrow.. Joshua just told me we are going to the drive in movies have not been there since I was kid... I was so little I don't remember going... ...
Krizty’s thought for the day --- Outlook determines outcome.(think about that… only three words but says so much in just three words)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So ....alot of post today.. :)

I was just thinking I have not really gave an update on how Tyler and Parker are doing, and what they are up to... so...
Tyler is almost 3, we are still working on potty training but I know it is just around the corner.. well hope it is at least.. he is just growing like crazy and saying the funniest things... he is GREAT with Parker.. now whenever Parker is crying Tyler will stop what he is doing go to him and ask what he needs, then go get him a toy or give find the paci... Parker also gets a kick out of T too.. he watches he every move.. Tyler got a hair cut via Me.. and well lets just say Duder has longer hair I think.. (Duder is my Dad). Next time I cut it, which will be a while.. I am going to try a Mohawk, once Tyler is potty trained we are going to put him in Preschool... yeah that's right.. Pre School.. just be a few days a week.. but wow... 5 is just around the corner....
Parker will be 6 months the same day Tyler turns 3! Parker is "talking" alot, and a very happy baby, he laughs alot, and loves to sit up and watch whatever his brother is doing. He has not rolled over yet, but he sits up well and loves to bounce.. I think he just does not like to be laying there he wants to be up... he is wearing a wide range of sizes of clothes from 6-9 months on some things all the way up to 18 months.. last night he wore a Spider Man PJ's that were 18 months and they fit well. (pics to come soon)
If I remember right Tyler did not roll first he started to sit up then he would roll if he wanted to get somewhere, he scooted for awhile after that, then the crazy crawl, and walking... so excited to see what Parker will do...
Both boys are really a joy.. and we love them so much.. they are growing too fast... eek...

Correction!!! Me and my hubby..

Here is a pic of Joshua and I.. 7 years this year.. what a ride.. Look forward to many many many more years with you babe! Luv Luv.. ummmwwwhhhhaaaa

The boys!!

Well in a few weeks Mr T as we call him will be 3 years old and Parker will be 6 months.. WHAT!!! Here a pic of them taken in last month!...

Update on my cousin Brandi..

I got an email from Brandi she is doing well, she started back to work this week and doing good. She has been to chemo for a week and 3 days. She got her blood work back yesterday and everything was normal. She had a follow up appointment at the end of the month... Last time it took a few weeks to start dropping but so far so good. Bran, still gets tired easily and her head and jaw are still sore. Keep the prayers going.. and thanks for all the prayers and thoughts!!!

So far mostly so good....

Okay so lets see… Monday was a good day for the most part… A cool thing that happened Monday night, Joshua fixed a guys computer from work, and he asked what he owed Joshua, he said you can pay me in meat… ;) (this guy owns a meat company), and do you know he brought over TWO BOXES of meat.. way way more than we even expected, it was such a blessing…thanks Matt… Then last night I went to Target and guess what Hamburger Helper was on sale for $1!!! So I bought 7 of we have a supper for a week.. YEAH! CHA CHING!!!!!
1 John 3:18, "Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions."--- that being said.. Love you! If you are reading this you know me some way I would think.. know you are important to me.. everyone in my life, I hold dear and close to my heart…..
I regress…focus…. “SQUIRL” …. Tuesday I got up and worked out, I am trying a new video from Jillian from the Biggest Loser.. and it is only 20 min. So I thought, “20 minutes can’t be that bad…..” Well wow boy was a I WRONG.. man was that a hard work out.. I thought I was going to die while realizing how out of shape I am… and also thought man walk away the lbs… um.. that is nothing compared to this.. Wow.. So last night I was sore all over, and this morning I am sore… dude I can even feel my abs are sore.. and I have not felt that in a LONG while.. so I am actually excited about this.. I think I am going to work out tonight when I get home.. because hey just 20 minutes right? I still have not weighed I guess I am scared.. but I need to just buck up and weigh.. right…. K I will do that at lunch… I am feeling much better still have a cough at night and some during the day but that is getting better. Tyler is doing better. Parker is doing better, he is still spitting up but not as much as he was last week I think, and he is still coughing hope we see the GI docs SOON.. still waiting on a call from them.. I am going to call them this afternoon if I have not heard from them. Nothing else really new here… we are trying to figure out what pics we want to print out for the house, and get that done, by the end of the month.. and we are working on Tyler’s birthday party.. We are going to have it Chucky Cheese, this year instead of inviting everyone and their dog…;) Since we are having it at Chucky Cheese, we are just inviting family, and some of T’s buddies (all boys) I thought that would be easier since he is rough at times, and our chances of altercations are less that way.. so we will see… we have having it at Chucky Cheese because our house is really too small.. so next year.. hoping to have it at “OUR” house, where ever that may be…. So it should all be fun for sure.. but that is really all we are up to.. just trying to recover and get everyone well… Stayed tuned…
OH… I voted for the first time for AI people….. did not realize I could just send a text.. how hard it that? So I will keep voting..!!!
Krizty’s thought for the day --- If your kid can sing the theme song to all his shows, does he watch them too much, or just good at memorizing… … Good new here, Tyler is going to be a good singer.. he can carry a tune already…. Thankful he got the Miller genetics on that one.. 

Monday, March 15, 2010


Psalm 40:3, "He has put a new song in my mouth - Praise to our God...
So I was looking for pics to post, and ran across this of me and my sweet sweet Mammaw.. boy I miss her so much... Love you Mammaw.... can't wait to see you again... and I know you see us.. we Love you and miss you so much!!!
Boy am I glad last week is OVER… boy it was a hard week, I was in a major rut not feeling well, and family getting sick. Last night I was up off and on till 5am with Parker, and I got up at 7 rushed to get ready and too work and made some breakfast for the family… I feel much better today than I have in a while, I still have a cough but I think that is getting better also.. although I am not 100% better I feel like I am well on my way… and out of my rut so excited about that.
This week, I want to get things done at work, at the house, and MUST play guitar and write.. MUST!!!
Side note.. you know I like the time change.. !!! Makes it feel like Summer.. I really don't like the winter hours... gets dark WAY too soon!!
This weekend was pretty much a hideout in the Hansen house weekend, everyone was sick. Friday, I took Tyler into the doctor on Friday, double ear infection.. yuck… Saturday we took Parker to the doc, that was a very emotional morning for me… I cried a lot!! I was so worried about Parker that he would stop breathing.. so I called the doc they wanted him to come in ASAP… (yeah I freaked), so Joshua took Parker to the doc. Because I was a basket case…. Apparently Parker is still having some serious issues with reflux, they are going to see him in Plano sometime this week and monitor him during and after a feeding and see what happens, depending on what happens there we will figure out what the next step is.. but I am DETERMINED to get an answer why my baby boy is coughing so much and still spitting up a lot…
Yesterday while Joshua was at church, I got a “great” idea to cut Tyler’s hair, because it really needed a cut.. but not the cut I gave him. Being the first time to use clippers without Joshua not telling me which number to use… I used a 1 on Tyler.. and those of you that know anything about clippers yeah that is the shortest you can use, besides using just the clippers.. Whoops…. So Tyler has really short hair… I am hoping for the hair to grow out fast.. but I am really thinking of next time to cut a Mohawk… I think that would be sweet… nothing else really happened this weekend…. We just took it easy and rested as much as we could.. Oh I did put Tyler’s 3T’s in storage, he is not officially in 4T!!! And I moved Parker to officially only be wearing 6-9, 9 months… we will see how long that last right?
Oh as for the weight thing.. well starting that back up today.. will weigh at lunch.. and post this afternoon or tomorrow.. did not work out today but will tomorrow.. we bought a new workout video 20 min work out.. with Jillian from Biggest Looser…. !!! hope it makes you really sweat…
Krizty thought for the day: When you have such a rough week, don’t you think God is trying to show you something while Satan is pilling all kinds of stuff on you… or is it God giving you a chance to STOP and listen… I think both at times.. but for me.. I think it was the latter, I am listening……
This pic sums up how I feel.. ready for this week bring it.. going to have this attitude.. Tyler having a good time.. you go!!! I WILL have this out look this week!!! This WILL be a good week!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Funk/crazy week/me and kids sick/ new week next week.

Well it has been a while since I updated this blog you know why? I have had a crappy week let me tell ya… it is so weird how Satan has jumped on my back… makes me wonder what God has planned for me you know? I have been in a serious rut this past week and think I am headed out of it… I even got sick through I all.. so going to rest up the rest of today and rest up as much as I can… So we are currently watching Dinosaur made from Disney.. and Tyler is loving it.. seems that the oldies such as 101 Dalmatians, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White really don’t hold his attention it is like he only likes it if it is CG animation or something… Well Tyler has a double ear infection, and Parker still has his cough think it “might” be getting worse if you ask me. So he is going into OUR doctor and I am not leaving till I have an answer why he is still coughing a few months later.. this is crazy… so Joshua and I were going to do a detox starting Monday and well it lasted till Monday night.. my fault totally… maybe someday.. Sunday Joshua and I got baptized it was a great feeling and so glad to share this experience with my husband.. you should have seen him get “dunked” it was too funny,,, but TOTALLY Cool!!! Well I am looking forward to tonight Date night and relaxing.. tomorrow will be full of cleaning and getting clothes out.. Parker is now in 9 months, so need to put the smaller ones up.. and Tyler is officially too big for 3T so those need to be packed up.. And tomorrow night second round of Gestures between CHICKS and DUDES… it is ON DUDES.. be prepaired to LOSE!
I am so ready for next week, going to face it head on... BRING IT!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My loving family.. Here are some pics that my dear friend Karis took.. Karis you did a GREAT job.. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Guess who...Tired/McKinney's got talent/

Guess who is who on this pics? Do you know who is who? Which one is T witch one is P? Survey says.....

Well seems I am in a rut… frown!! I have not been getting much sleep due to Parker not sleeping well. Neither has Joshua he has been helping me with Parker at nights.. Home dude, P is still coughing so I took him to the doc again and they said it could be because of reflux so he is on meds for a month.. he has to take it 20 minutes before he eats in the morning and 20 minutes before he eats at night. Thing is we don’t know the exact time he will be hungry so it is kind of dicey at times. Thankfully Tyler is feeling much better!
So Parker is now saying Baaa Baaa.. thinking he is trying to say bubba… it is so cute!
So McKinney is having a talent show in April and yeah I am going to try out! I am excited about it I just have to figure out what song I am going to sing and such.. so thinking about that. Joshua thinks I should rewrite songs out there but with new lyrics, what do you mean you ask? Well you heard of Weird Al Yankovic, have you noticed he is about the only one out there, and there are not females doing this.. hum… there might be something there.. you think?? Here is an example and a little story behind it.. We are working on Potty Training Tyler my oldest, and he said he was scared to poop so I told him it was okay to do that we just wanted him to do it in the potty.. well I was telling Joshua about this and Joshua asked if I told Tyler that everyone poops… and I thought.. humm… “everybody poops”… Well you know the REM song.. Everybody Hurts? I thought of a song kind of like… “Everybody poops, its okay, Everybody poops… Don’t be afraid, oh no. Don’t be afraid….. “ totally needs some work but that is idea, to take every day songs and change them but dealing with kids.. The kids will like them and the adults will too because they know how the song actually goes and might get a kick out of it.. … I don’t know Joshua you might have something there…. You think?
So we went to go see Avatar and it was pretty good, weird how someone can come up with all those people, you know? Oh we went to hang out at Kim and Luis house Saturday night and it was GREAT! So much fun, we had some good lasagna with no spinach, ha ha.. and played a mean game of Guesstures Kim and I were beating Luis and Joshua but they came back and beat us but not by much.. there will be a rematch for sure.. we had a great time and so blessed to have them in our life’s.
Sunday was good, I woke up late to go get the boys so I was pretty rushed that morning but got to church on time.. yeah! Sunday night was life group and it went well besides my oldest son hitting like crazy.. I am not sure what Tyler’s deal was but it did force Joshua and I to have a discipline talk and come to an agreement on how we are going to nip the hitting and such in the bud and what we came to agreement on I am quite happy with and it seems to working really well.. Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement a balance of each!
Joshua got me a snuggie, yeah that’s right.. it is pink and totally comfy.. thanks hubby!
Oh no weigh in yet this week, might do my inches this week, maybe this weekend.. I am going to do a detox with some girls from work and Joshua. So stayed tuned for that, posting should be interesting for sure!
So this weekend we are going to a wedding Joshua’s cousin David T. and then Sunday is our church’s 5th Anniversary so there is a going to be a big celebration there. Joshua and I are also getting baptized, so looking forward to that, and sharing this time with my hubby, how cool is that right?
Lets see.. nothing just all that new… just trying to get some sleep, but not working out.. I hope it does soon, it makes it hard to function when you don’t have much sleep.
Krizty’s thought for the day: (blank too tired)